Dad Let's Little Kid Try To Hit Golf Ball Off His Face And You'll Never Believe This, But It Didn't End Well

Might wanna take a mulligan on that one. Actually, this makes for a pretty great birth control commercial so I hope I didn’t just get duped into blogging some free advertisement. That loud “clunk” you were when this dude’s brain gets smashed by that plastic club is one of the most satisfying sounds you’ll hear all day. There was just no other way that this could have possibly gone. 100 times out of 100 times, daddy is getting whacked in the dome but he still decided to go for it anyway. And he deserves it, too, because maybe if he taught his kid to never take his eye off the ball, this wouldn’t have happened. Pretty decent swing aside from picking his head up at the last second there. Sure, he could probably use a few minor adjustments here and there but I’ll reserve judgments just in case someone out there in the world has video footage of my god awful swing.

The Mask never gets enough credit. One of the all time greats.

h/t NextImpulseSports

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